Di tag permainan macam gini. Seru sih, secara udah selesai semua kerjaan.
The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that, tag 7 people!
starts from now!
the age of my next birthday
Tahun depan umur gw 27 nih. Harus cepet-cepet mikir kawin deh kayaknya. Huehuehue..
Tahun depan umur gw 27 nih. Harus cepet-cepet mikir kawin deh kayaknya. Huehuehue..
a place i'd like to travel
a favourite place
Sebuah kamar di apartemen/hotel (di lantai 20 ke atas)
dilengkapi dengan kulkas, tivi + DVD,
komputer dengan high speed internet connection, dan stereo sound sytem.
dilengkapi dengan kulkas, tivi + DVD,
komputer dengan high speed internet connection, dan stereo sound sytem.
a favourite food
Nasi goreng. Whenever, where ever.
Di luar negeri sekalipun gw harus makan nasi goreng.
Nasi goreng. Whenever, where ever.
Di luar negeri sekalipun gw harus makan nasi goreng.
favourite thing(s)
a favourite color
a city i was born
a nickname i had
name of my love
a bad habbit
a hobby