[Currently listening: We Cry - The Script]
Ya ya.. deadline udah selesai. Bos seperti biasa, "sakit" setelah deadline kelar dan gw yang seharusnya bed-rest malah harus masuk. Sial!
Seharian gak ada kerjaan nih. FS sama Fesbuk diblok. Makin lengkap penderitaan gw. Iseng-iseng jepret-jepret di kantor aja.
My desk is like a mess. If you think that is bad,
you should see when I'm on the deadline. The mess could
be worse.. :)
My secretary isworking chatting! :p
The series of publications at my office
Hoaaaammm...you should see when I'm on the deadline. The mess could
be worse.. :)
My secretary is
The series of publications at my office
God, males mau buka puasa di Hotel Sultan! :(